2014: The 21st Century Handmade Print

May 8th – July 28, 2014

To view the show on Artsy, click here.

Featuring works by John Dugdale, Jefferson Hayman, Richard Kagan, Peter Liepke, Michael Massaia, and George Tice in vintage processes of toned silver gelatin, platinum/palladium, gum bichromate, and cyanotype.With photography being created today at breakneck pace the world over, this show is dedicated to the stalwart practitioners of the medium that continue to create work accomplished with their own hands.  These artists carry on the skilled traditions of creating precious objects by laboring sometimes hundreds of hours to craft a print imbued with an ephemeral beauty that can only be conveyed by a handmade print. These processes require difficult, fickle and increasingly expensive chemistry and handmade papers that can wildly vary with each new batch and lot. These artists are involved in every step of the work’s creation and finished look. Most are involved even down to the framed presentation.

This choice collection of handmade work defines Gallery 270’s raison d’être; to extol the virtues and beauty of photographs where the unique finished work conveys a sense of the skill, passion, sweat and  blood that has been lavished on the paper. But this is not an esoteric vintage exercise for the sake of same. This is the sheer force of artistic drive, against logic and the quick buck, in pursuit of results and beauty achievable in no other way. Our goal here is to call out and distinguish this special genre of photographic alchemists who are both modern artists and 21st century “old world craftsmen”.



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