Tumperbee by Melchior DiGiacomo

Tumperbee by Melchior DiGiacomo
Tumperbee by Melchior DiGiacomo

Mel’s passion for the human spirit informs all his work but nowhere more poignantly than in his 2010 book, “Tumperbee”. The book is a remarkable collection of photographs of the small village of Old Road, in Antigua, BWI. Tumperbee documents in a most evocative way, his travels there over the last thirty years and his deep attachment and reverence for the residents in their many moods and daily lives. The forward, by Clifford Peterson eloquently describes this masterpiece of a book: “Emanating from these photographs are the loving bond between Mel and the people of Old Road, and a permanent record of the humanity, dignity, spirit, perseverance, faith and daily life in this special place.”

To order please give the Gallery 270 a call at (201) 358-5076 Books can be paid for securely by PayPal invoice.

Read more about Melchoir DiGiacomo and view his work here.



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