Monalog Collective Artist Profile – Drew Wagner

Drew Wagner – Book and Phone

I photograph things that I see as well as things that can only be visualized in my mind. Sometimes the subject is an actual place or object. Other times it is made up of the lines, shapes, tones, and/or textures that comprise the place or object.

I find that the use of black and white analog darkroom processes satisfies my creative needs by giving me the tools to represent and interpret, both ordinary and extraordinary, subject matter in the manner that I visualized them. I work with both a medium format camera and an 8×10 camera. Each is mounted on a tripod allowing for a deliberate and thought-provoking approach. They free both my hands and mind to carefully examine and explore the ground glass imagery that enables the creative process to unfold without distractions.

To view this artists images, along with the full Monalog show – Visit Gallery 270

Here’s our discussion with Drew during our recent webinar with the Monalog Collective. The entire webinar is available here.

The full Monalog Collective Webinar featuring all the artists can be watched here.

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